發(fā)布時間:2021/08/06 11:30:00 來源:易學仕專升本網(wǎng) 閱讀量:4343 熱點: 四川專升本 2024年四川專升本 2024年四川專升本考試大綱
A | B | C | D |
a/an | baby | cabbage | daily |
abandon | back | cabin | dairy |
ability | backache | cable | dam |
able | background | café | damage |
abnormal | backwards | cafeteria | damp |
aboard | bacon | cage | dance |
about | bad | cake | danger |
above | badly | calculate | dangerous |
abroad | badminton | calendar | dare |
absent | bag | call | dark |
absence | bake | calligraphy | darling |
absolute | balance | calm | dash |
absolutely | ball | calorie | data |
absorb | ballet | camel | database |
abstract | balloon | camera | date |
abuse | bamboo | camp | daughter |
academic | ban | campaign | dawn |
accent | banana | campus | day |
accept | band | can | daylight |
access | bank | canal | dead |
accident | bar | cancel | deadline |
accommodation | barbecue | cancer | deaf |
accompany | barber | candidate | deal |
accomplish | bare | candle | dear |
according | barely | candy | death |
account | bargain | canteen | debate |
accurate | bark | cap | debt |
accuse | barrier | capable | decade |
ache | base | capacity | decent |
achieve | baseball | capital | decide |
achievement | basic | capsule | decision |
acid | basin | captain | deck |
acknowledge | basis | capture | declare |
acquire | basket | car | decline |
across | basketball | carbon | decorate |
act | bat | card | decrease |
action | bath | care | deed |
active | bathroom | career | deep |
activity | bathtub | careful | deer |
actor/actress | battery | careless | defeat |
actual | battle | cargo | defend |
actually | bay | carpenter | deficit |
AD | BC | carpet | define |
adapt | be (am, is, are) | carriage | definite |
add | beach | carrot | definition |
addict | bean | carry | degree |
addition | bear | cart | delay |
additional | beard | cartoon | delete |
address | beast | carve | delicate |
adequate | beat | case | delicious |
adjust | beautiful | cash | delighted |
administration | beauty | cashier | deliver |
admire | because | cast | delivery |
admit | become | castle | demand |
adopt | bed | casual | democratic |
adult | bedroom | cat | demonstrate |
advance | bee | catch | dentist |
advanced | beef | category | deny |
advantage | beer | cattle | department |
adventure | before | cause | departure |
advertise | beg | caution | depend |
advertisement/ad | begin | cave | dependent |
advice | behalf | cease | deposit |
advise | behave | ceiling | depress |
advocate | behaviour/behavior | celebrate | depth |
affair | behind | celebrity | describe |
affect | being | cell | description |
afford | belief | cent | desert |
afraid | believe | centimetre/centimeter | deserve |
after | bell | central | design |
afternoon | belong | centre/center | desire |
afterwards | below | century | desk |
again | belt | cereal | despair |
against | bench | ceremony | desperate |
age | bend | certain | despite |
agency | beneath | certainly | dessert |
agenda | benefit | certificate | destination |
agent | beside | chain | destroy |
ago | besides | chair | detail |
agree | best | chairman/chairwoman/ chairman | detect |
agreement | bet | chalk | detective |
agriculture | better | challenge | determination |
ahead | between | champion | determine |
AI/artificial intelligence | beyond | chance | develop |
aid | Bible | change | development |
aim | big | channel | device |
air | bike/bicycle | chaos | devil |
aircraft | bill | chapter | devise |
airline | billion | character | devote |
airport | bind | charge | diagram |
aisle | biology | charity | dial |
alarm | bird | chart | dialogue |
album | birth | chase | diamond |
alcohol | birthday | chat | diary |
alert | biscuit | cheap | dictation |
alike | bit | cheat | dictionary |
alive | bite | check | die |
all | bitter | cheek | diet |
allow | black | cheer | differ |
almost | blackboard | cheerful | difference |
alone | blame | cheese | different |
along | blank | chef | difficult |
alongside | blanket | chemical | difficulty |
aloud | bleed | chemist | dig |
already | bless | chemistry | digest |
also | blind | cheque/check | digital |
alter | block | chess | dignity |
alternative | blog | chest | dimension |
although | blood | chew | dining |
altogether | blouse | chicken | dinner |
always | blow | chief | dinosaur |
a.m. | blue | child | dip |
amateur | board | childhood | diploma |
amaze | boat | chilli/chili | direct |
amazing | body | chin | direction |
ambition | boil | chip | directly |
ambulance | bomb | chocolate | director |
amendment | bond | choice | directory |
among | bone | choke | dirt |
amount | bonus | choose | dirty |
amuse | book | chop | disable |
analyse/analyze | booklet | chopsticks | disadvantage |
analysis | bookshop | chore | disappear |
ancestor | boost | chorus | disappointed |
ancient | boot | Christmas | disaster |
and | border | church | discipline |
anger | bore | cigarette | discount |
angle | born | cinema | discourage |
angry | borrow | circle | discover |
animal | boss | circuit | discovery |
ankle | both | circumstance | discrimination |
announce | bother | circus | discuss |
annoy | bottle | cite | disease |
annual | bottom | citizen | dish |
another | bounce | city | disk |
answer | bound | civil | dislike |
ant | boundary | civilian | dismiss |
anticipate | bow | civilisation/civilization | display |
antique | bowl | claim | distance |
anxious | box | clap | distinct |
any | boxing | clarify | distinguish |
anybody/anyone | boy | class | distribute |
anyhow | brain | classic | distribution |
anything | brake | classical | district |
anyway | branch | classmate | disturb |
anywhere | brand | classroom | dive |
apart | brave | clay | diverse |
apartment | bread | clean | divide |
apologise/apologize | break | clear | division |
apology | breakfast | clerk | divorce |
apparently | breast | clever | dizzy |
appeal | breath | click | do/does |
appear | breathe | client | doctor/Dr. |
appearance | brick | cliff | document |
appetite | bride/bridegroom | climate | dog |
applaud | bridge | climb | doll |
apple | brief | clinic | dollar |
apply | bright | clock | dolphin |
appoint | brilliant | clone | domain |
appointment | bring | close | domestic |
appreciate | broad | cloth | dominate |
approach | broadcast | clothes | donate |
appropriate | brochure | clothing | donkey |
approve | broken | cloud | door |
arch | brother | cloudy | dorm/dormitory |
architect | brow | clown | dot |
area | brown | club | double |
argue | brush | clue | doubt |
argument | bubble | coach | doubtful |
arise | bucket | coal | down |
arm | budget | coast | download |
army | buffet | coat | downstairs |
around | build | cock | downtown |
arrange | building | code | dozen |
arrest | bullet | coffee | draft |
arrival | bunch | coin | drag |
arrive | bundle | cola | dragon |
arrow | burden | cold | drama |
art | burger | collapse | dramatic |
article | burn | collar | draw |
artificial | burst | colleague | drawer |
artist | bury | collect | drawing |
as | bus | collection | dream |
ash | bush | college | dress |
ashamed | business | colour/color | drill |
aside | businessman/ businesswoman | column | drink |
ask | busy | comb | drive |
asleep | but | combination | driver |
四川備考資料 2021/08/06
四川考試大綱 2021/08/06
四川考試大綱 2021/08/06
四川備考資料 2021/08/06
2024四川專升本高等數(shù)學考試大綱 含考試題型及分值
四川考試大綱 2021/08/06